DRV-N Series

Automatic High Zoom digital stereo microscopy system


3D Stereo. 3D Digital. Perfect Zoom.

View and share 3D images and video from an optical stereo zoom microscope. Combining technologies of Deep Reality Viewer (DRV) for 3D imaging with great depth perception, and Nikon SMZ for outstanding 25:1 zoom ratio, excellent image details and magnifications up to 800x.

Deep Reality Viewer

Using the Deep Reality Viewer (DRV) display head, teams can view capture, recall and share 3D images and video from optical stereo microscopes in real time.

The patented ergonomic digital stereo display enhances the users’ experience with remote live 3D view of subjects.

3D improves inspection

Avoid confusion by using a 3D inspection system. Viewing subjects in 3D enhances understanding of the subject shape, including depth, length and height.

Improved depth perception allows you to easily understand subject texture and see differences between shadows and raised or recessed areas of a component. This results in improved visual inspection routine, accuracy and speed.


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