About CREST:
Crest Ultrasonics is a division of The Crest Group family of companies. The Crest Group is the global leader in innovative ultrasonic cleaning and thermoplastic welding and joining equipment for all of your ultrasonic cleaning and manufacturing needs. The Group is vertically integrated, yet sector diverse. It is a fine example of a company whose vertical integration serves to provide overall machine or component cost reduction, and improvement in the overall quality levels. This has provided our clients with substantially better ultrasonic machines and components.
No other company makes more custom ultrasonic cleaning systems than The Crest Group — anywhere in the world. It provides a wide range of standard and custom machines that are shipped throughout the world. Service is powered by our global distribution network, with replacement parts and service either same day or next day away. The combination of Crest Ultrasonic’s vertical integration and global customer support network make for a compelling value proposition.