ATS-3100 RTS Radio Test Set

ATS-3100 RTS Radio Test Set

Flexibility to Test Legacy and Modern Radios on One Platform



The ATS-3100 RTS, a member of the ATS-3100 PXI Integration Platform product family, enables you to test both legacy and modern military tactical radios using a single, benchtop platform, integrating the most crucial features for radio test.

Now, you have the capability to test both airborne and ground legacy radios (e.g. SINCGARS) plus modern wideband waveforms (e.g. 117G, ANW 2, TSM) from virtually any original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

The ATS-3100 RTS tests advanced radio capabilities including frequency hopping, bit error rate, error vector magnitude (EVM), and sensitivity.

Features include:

  • Frequency range from 1 MHz to 6 GHz
  • Wide modulation bandwidth up to 200 MHz
  • Intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) and test executive
  • Compact, benchtop platform
  • Two-hour automated calibration & verification
  • Reconfigurable and expandable PXIe-based platform

In addition, the design of this platform provides room for future expansion, both in hardware and software, so you have headroom for growth as technologies evolve and your needs change.

Keep Equipment Deployed

Plagued by costly No-Fault-Found (NFF) returns taking your valuable assets out of service for months? The ATS-3100 RTS has built-in capability to perform a wide range of tests to identify failure root cause, allowing you the capability to repair in-house without buying additional equipment or simply “doing without”.

Features Customized for You

The ATS-3100 RTS has a single, low-cost PXIe module which contains the entire Radio Frequency (RF), Analog, and Digital Subsystems performing complex measurement and stimulus signal processing functions. Additional features include:

  • Easy access to the two, primary LRUs for repair
  • Frequency range from 1 MHz to 6 GHz
  • Wide modulation bandwidth up to 200 MHz
  • Intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Test Executive
  • Low-cost, two-hour automated calibration and verification
  • Reconfigurable and expandable
  • PXIe-based platform

Your Long-Term Partner

With nearly 60 years of expertise in the test field and a proven track record of providing leading-edge Radio Test Solutions, Astronics Test Systems knows what it takes to support a product for decades. Radio tester design and Test Program Set (TPS) development are core competencies of Astronics Test Systems which solidify its commitment to custom, integrated solutions for years to come.


  • Complete solution – test legacy and modern radios, both airborne and ground, from multiple OEMs
  • Maximum return on investment – extend the life of your legacy radios with headroom to test modern radios
  • GRM-122 replacement – plug and play support for GRM-122 TPSs and cable sets
  • Synergy from depot to field – common test executive and software framework
  • Reduced downtime – minimum MTTR and rapid automated calibration
  • Flexibility to customize – expandable PXIe-based platform
  • Long-term partner – nearly 60 years of expertise in test and integration solutions


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