Medium/high strength, thixotropic methacrylate-based threadlocking adhesive which fluoresces under UV light to allow monitoring.
LOCTITE® 262 is a red, general purpose, medium to high strength, thixotropic methacrylate-based adhesive. Steel fixture time is 15 min, brass 8 min and stainless steel 180 min. It fluoresces under UV light to allow monitoring. Ideal for applications where any migration of the adhesive must be prevented. Can tolerate slight contaminations of industrial oils. Suitable for all metal fasteners.
-Resistant to vibration
-Fluoresces to allow quality control and inspection
-Suitable for all metal fasteners
-Med/high strength, general purpose
-Tolerates slight contaminations of industrial oils
-Thixotropic/low viscosity
Technical Specifications
Agency Approvals / Specifications: NSF
Chemical Basis / Base: Methacrylate
Color: Red
Fixture Time Max: 180
Fixture Time Min: 8
Fixture Time Unit: min.
Key Characteristics: Thixotropic
Substrates Metal: Brass, Metal: Steel, Metal: Steel – Stainless Steel
Viscosity Max: 2400
Viscosity Min: 1200
Viscosity Unit: mPa.s (cP) Brookfield